Five Reasons Your Company Needs a Storage Specialist

Storage Specialist


The words “storage specialist” might bring to mind an organizational expert who can help you find extra space for your inventory; but in reality, storage specialists provide a lot more than just physical space for your business. A good storage specialist also provides partitioning and shelving solutions, warehouse design and relocation services, and even assistance in obtaining necessary occupancy and hazardous storage permits.

To further explain some of these benefits, here are five ways a storage specialist can help make your business run more efficiently and more profitably.

1. Organization — or Making the Most of Your Space

If you’ve ever watched one of those TV shows where they show you how to organize your closet space, you’ve probably wished you could organize your inventory just as easily. With a good storage specialist, you can. As with a closet, the secret to successful organization lies in the type of shelving you use — and how you fit it in.

There’s a wide variety of industrial shelving options available on today’s market, and a storage specialist can help you decide whether to use metal shelving, wire shelving or pallet racking units for your inventory. Each has its advantages, depending on the amount of available space and the types of items being stored.

Likewise, record shelving can also present a problem for many businesses. Even in today’s digitized world, some things need to be cataloged manually, and a storage specialist can help you find the right storage shelving for your stock records and business logs.

2. Helping You Handle the Goods

Inventory isn’t meant to just sit on the shelves — it’s meant to move off them quickly and efficiently if you want to run a successful business. A storage specialist can help you find the most efficient way to store your inventory so that it can literally fly off the shelves when it’s time to process deliveries.

3. It’s All in the Design

Are you thinking of buying or building a new warehouse? A storage specialist can help you design a new warehouse space that will accommodate more inventory. In addition, a specialist can design the layout so that items are not only easier to get to, but also placed strategically for faster deliveries. With an efficient storage/shelving layout, you can speed up processing times for incoming merchandise as well. Plus, you can streamline the process (and help eliminate the tedium) for your staff when it’s time to take inventory.

Likewise, if you can’t make a move right now, a storage specialist can help you redesign your existing space so that you can make the most of what you already have. This can include installing (or removing) partitions, redesigning your inventory layout and adding ergonomic shelving.

4. Helping You Make Your Move

If you’d like to move to a new warehouse space but you’re dreading the hassle of relocating, you can prevent major headaches for yourself and your staff. A storage specialist can help you organize and streamline your move, assist in finding the logistical services you’ll need (such as reputable movers) and help you set up your new warehouse once you’ve arrived with your inventory.

5. Paving the Way for Permits

Permits are a necessary part of any business, but the good news is that a storage specialist can help you obtain the permits you need for everything from handling hazardous materials and purchasing new warehouse space to taking occupancy once you’re ready to move.

No matter what type or size of business you have, a storage specialist can help you run it more efficiently — and a more efficient business means greater customer satisfaction and, ultimately, increased sales. If you have a business in the Houston area and you’re interested in storage solutions to boost your efficiency, contact the storage specialists at Cato Industrial Rack Company. We can help you make the most out of your space.